Hi, I’m Ben, a photographer based in Cold Lake, AB.

my view becomes your memories

Life is made of thousands of fleeting moments. Most of which are forgotten or merely blurred by new ones. I'm here to change that, my view becomes your memories that are set in place to be cherished for years to come which act as a reminder of what was once not a memory but an experience.

BenSmithMedia captures photos of himself
BenSmithMedia captures headshots for a local personal trainer
BenSmithMedia captures couple in couple shoot
BenSmithMedia covered the 350Farms event
BenSmithMedia captures local detailing company polishing a helicopter
BenSmithMedia captures high school graduate in headshot session
BenSmithMedia captures okotoks tinting applying PPF to a new vehicle
BenSmithMedia captures photo of local individuals
BenSmithMedia captures photo of local individuals
BenSmithMedia captures photo of local individuals
BenSmithMedia captures photo of local individuals
BenSmithMedia captures photo of local individuals
BenSmithMedia captures photo of local individuals

In the world of photography, you get to share a captured moment with other people.

(Ben Smith)